- Emile MAROT Pre-cleaners simply and quickly remove large particles contained in the grain.
- The grain enters the rotating drum whose perforations allow the grain to pass through while retaining the large-size waste which exits from the bottom of the drum.
- Pre-cleaners are essential for the correct operation of dryers to avoid them fouling up and prevent energy wastage.
- The choice of perforations is made according to the nature of the grain to be worked, its humidity levels and the properties of the waste to be removed.
- The initial grids can be used, if necessary to remove small-size waste products.
- The large surface areas of the grids whose perforations are continually cleared enable flow rates of 35 to 400 tonnes per hour.
The following table summarizes possible equipment combinations: Dust removers on Grid pre-cleaners, Pre-cleaners on dust removers or suction cleaners on pre-cleaners