- EACs remove lightweight products and separate broken kernels and large-size waste from the good grain.
- These operations are carried out by double-acting suction followed by a rotating drum.
- The raw product is spread out in a uniform layer and a current of air blows through it.
- The proportion of lightweight products driven off is altered by adjusting the suction power.
- The heaviest particles settle in the holding chamber and are extracted by a screw.
- Lightweight particles are expelled (V) by suction. A direct output P enables the work to be stopped there if desired.
- The grain then flows into a rotating drum with interchangeable grids.
- The first of these remove broken kernels and those following let the good grain pass through.
- The largest elements exit from the bottom of the drum.
- The succession of grids with different perforations make these devices remarkably useful for all types of grain, at low rates from 5 to 400 tonnes/hour.